Monday, May 30, 2011

MMSN featured in BusinessNewsDaily

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition’s franchisee, Billy Van Heusen was recently featured in BusinessNewsDaily in an article titled, “Game On: Athletes Tackle the Sport of Business.” The article highlights 5 athletes turned entrepreneurs, one of which is Billy Van Heusen.  Van Heusen discusses his entrepreneur story from former Denver Broncos kicker and wide-receiver to owner of a Max Muscle Sport Nutrition franchise in Denver. The article also discusses how being an athlete prepared him to own and run a successful business. Click here to view the full article!

Game On: Athletes Tackle the Sport of Business
By Stephanie Taylor Christensen

Billy Van Heusen, former kicker and wide receiver for the Denver Broncos, has already succeeded in the health and fitness arena. Therefore, when he sought a business opportunity that he and his son could open together, the Max Muscle Sports Nutrition franchise in Denver seemed like a perfect fit.

Van Heusen said he felt comfortable going into a sports nutrition business because living a healthy lifestyle is something that he is committed to each day. Besides focusing his business efforts in an arena he knows plenty about it, he has found quite a bit of crossover between sports and business.

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