Friday, September 9, 2011

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition featured in the Fairfax County Times

Max Muscle Sports Nutrition was featured in the Fairfax County Times in an article entitled, "9/11 still has profound impact after 10 years". Ten years after that fateful day on 9/11/01, Kristin Wood, Max Muscle Sports Nutrition franchise owner, recaps her experiences on 9/11 and the aftermath as an intelligence officer with the CIA.  After stepping down from her high profile career, she opted to become a business owner with MMSN.  Click here to view the entire article.

9/11 still has profound impact after 10 years
By: Gregg MacDonald

In the years since, the U.S. fundamentally changed the way it prepares for such threats, and citizens have come to grips with the sudden loss that came that fall morning.
Fairfax County Times staff spoke with a first-responder, a former CIA analyst and a fire and rescue official who talked about what it was like for them that day, and how Sept. 11, 2001 still affects them today.

‘We failed. We were on duty, and that got through’
On 9/11, Vienna resident Kristen Wood, 42, was an analyst with the CIA.
Today she owns two Max Muscle Sports Nutrition franchises and is no longer with the agency. But she vividly recalls what it was like at Langley that day.

(Read More)

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