Max Muscle Honors 17-year old Testicular Cancer Survivor
Imagine being told that your 13-year old son has testicular cancer, that was the reality for one local family. Now that brave young man is sharing his story to raise awareness about this often deadly disease with the help of one new business right here in Grand Junction.

This weekend Max Muscle will be holding it's grand opening in honor of Grand Junction High School student Jordan Jones. Jordan is now 17 years old and cancer free but getting to this point has not been easy.
Every hour a male is diagnosed with testicular cancer. For Jordan Jones that hour came in late October 2007. He was just 13 years old.
"My mom was shocked and I just didnt know what to think at the
time because I had know idea that it was this severe," says Jordan.
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Increasingly, though, researchers are looking to another green food in an effort to cut breast cancer risk-green tea. While black tea and chamomile tea have long been thought to soothe nerves and combat depression, it is green tea which is making headlines in the world of cancer research.
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